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Comments may be monitored for inappropriate content but the newspaper is under no obligation to do so.Friedman argues that the Baby, Drill chant during the Republican Convention is a dangerous sign of a dangerous philosophy. He notes how the leaders of Russia, Iran and Venezuela would be cheering
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But talking about income taxes and service taxes and graduated taxes can be politically dangerous, especially when everyone except average taxpayers has a lobbyist; sin taxes, of course, are a favorite target. It can be argued that any increase in tobacco taxes is good; and who will stand at the pulpit and decry more taxes on liquor and beer?
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FILE In this Saturday, Jan. Chinook helicopter is seen on the back ground near the place where the foundation of a hospital was laid in Shindand, Herat, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. President Barack Obama didn't even exist when he took the oath of office the first time: the Arab Spring, the Fordo Facility housing Iran's underground uranium enrichment labs, the stealth power of new viruses bearing names such as Stuxnet and Flame in the shadow world of cyber sabotage. While the war in Afghanistan, now in its 12th year, was barely a topic on the campaign trail, the country will certainly command a great deal of Obama's attention in his second term. troops still in Afghanistan. The first 33,000 American troops withdrew by the end of September.(AP Photo/Hoshang Hashimi, File)I been to Iraq 4 times (twice with the 101). I am not a liberal. Please explain to me what your are arguing about. Improvements in technology only serves to make us more lethal on the battlefield. Civilian advances in technology compliment military innovation the same as military research compliments civilian innovation.
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